Application Method of Calcium Hypochlorite in Pool Cleaning

Calcium hypochlorite

Composition and Properties of Calcium Hypochlorite

Calcium hypochlorite, a potent oxidizing agent, exhibits strong bactericidal capabilities. It rapidly breaks down in water, forming hypochlorous acid and calcium chloride, which serve as powerful disinfectants. Hypochlorous acid gradually decomposes into harmless chloride ions and calcium carbonate in water, posing no harm to humans or the environment.

Precautions before Cleaning with Calcium Hypochlorite

Preliminary Preparation

Before using the calcium hypochlorite solution for swimming pool water treatment, it is essential to determine the appropriate concentration. Based on the pool water volume, quality, and water quality test results, calculate the required calcium hypochlorite solution concentration. Typically, the concentration of the swimming pool water treatment agent ranges between 1-3 mg of calcium hypochlorite per liter of water. Adjust the specific concentration according to the actual situation.

Routine Inspection

In addition to adding the calcium hypochlorite solution, regular water quality monitoring and adjustment should occur. By monitoring the calcium hypochlorite content, pH value, and free chlorine concentration in swimming pool water, adjust the calcium hypochlorite solution dosage promptly to maintain water quality within the ideal range. Simultaneously, conduct regular cleaning and maintenance to ensure the normal operation of the swimming pool water circulation system, preventing pollution and bacterial growth.

How to Clean a Pool with Calcium Hypochlorite

  1. Before adding a calcium hypochlorite solution to a swimming pool, dilute the solution with an appropriate amount of water. This ensures even distribution in the pool water, preventing local concentrations that are too high or too low. Add the diluted calcium hypochlorite solution to swimming pool water using an automatic dosing system or manual dosing.
  2. After adding the calcium hypochlorite solution, proper agitation and circulation are necessary to ensure even distribution throughout the pool water. Achieve mixing through the swimming pool water circulation system to guarantee full contact between the calcium hypochlorite solution and the pool water, maximizing the disinfection effect.


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